Currency | Currency Code | Telegraphic Transfer Buying Rate (LKR) |
Telegraphic Transfer Selling Rate (LKR) |
Australian Dollar | AUD | 177.9344 | 190.2640 |
British Pounds | GBP | 355.5968 | 367.8448 |
Canadian Dollar | CAD | 201.4412 | 209.1984 |
Euro | EUR | 299.3688 | 310.2576 |
Indian Rupees | INR | 3.2573 | 3.6177 |
Japanese Yen | JPY | 1.8776 | 1.9329 |
New Zealand Dollar | NZD | 162.5560 | 169.7856 |
Singapore Dollar | SGD | 210.3228 | 222.7387 |
Swiss Francs | CHF | 316.5533 | 331.1318 |
UAE Dirham | AED | 78.9859 | 82.2503 |
US Dollars | USD | 292.5000 | 299.5000 |
Last updated: 2025-01-17
Rates are given on indicative basis for sales and purchases up to USD 1000 or its equivalent only