Corporate Banking >> General Services >> Project Financing

Our Project Financing solutions focus on assisting entrepreneurs based upon overall project viability after evaluating the project prospects.

We will assist you from the very earliest stages of the project to the disbursement and optimum utilization of funds.

You can obtain advice and expertise in selection of machinery, plant and equipment as well as smooth co-ordination among our customer centres throughout the country to set up and operate the project.


  • Food & Beverage
  • Garments
  • Health Services
  • Leisure – Local, Overseas
  • Manufacturing
  • Condominium Apartment Projects
  • Power & Energy
  • Real Estate
  • Tea & Rubber
  • Infrastructure Development
The Facilities

(Available in Sri Lankan Rupees and/or a prescribed Foreign Currency)


  • Term Loans
  • Working Capital Loans
  • Bridging Finances
  • Overdraft facilities, Letter of Credit, Import Loans, Packing Credit, Guarantees etc. related to the project


Types of Security/Collateral

The facilities are secured by one or more of the following types.

  • Primary/Concurrent Primary (i.e. Syndicated Loan/Consortium) Mortgage over Project Assets (i.e. immovable and movable).
  • Corporate/Personal Guarantees of Promoters, Bank Guarantees, Joint & Several Personal Guarantees of Directors (in Private/Unquoted).
  • Assignment of Rights and Pledge of Shares of the Project Company.
  • Letters of Comfort from Promoters.





Project Financing

How can I get this product?


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0112 462 462

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