When their future becomes bright, the world becomes a better place. What you save today for your children will be a great strength for them tomorrow. To enable them to realize their dreams, we are offering HNB Diri Daru scholarships.
Rewards for Grade 5 Scholarship examination.
Singithi Account holders passing grade 5 scholarship examination obtaining the cut off marks will be eligible to receive a cash reward of Rs.10,000.
Requirement: Maintain Rs.10,000 in their Singithi account before the scholarship examination with a monthly standing order for Rs.500
Singithi Account holders passing grade 5 scholarship examination obtaining the cut off marks will be eligible to receive a cash reward of Rs.5000.
Requirement: Maintain Rs.10,000 in their Teen/ HNB Savings account before the scholarship examination until the reward is granted.
Top 100 applicants will receive a cash reward of Rs.25,000 when they excel well in GCE O/L and London O/L examination. (90 rewards for GCE O/L and 10 Rewards for London O/L)
Requirement: Maintain Rs. 25,000 in their HNB Teen account before the scholarship examination.
Top 50 applicants will receive a cash reward of Rs.25,000 when they excel well in GCE A/L and London A/L examination. (45 rewards for GCE A/L and 5 Rewards for London A/L)
Applications could be handed over to any HNB branch or send by post to :
The Manager, Hatton National Bank, Deposit Mobilization Division, HNB Towers, Level 16, No.479, T B Jayah Mawatha, Colombo 10.
Application closing dates for respective examination will be published in the bank's official website.
Open a HNB Minor savings account for your child and maintain the required account balances before the respective examination.